
2018-09-24 00:11 发布

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由《ELLE DECORATION家居廊》推出的《2019中国室内设计年鉴》,持续征集优秀室内设计案例,并将于年鉴发布同期,推出系列年度室内设计大奖。不论是领导行业趋势的先驱翘楚,还是冉冉升起的年轻新星,我们同样热诚地欢迎各位加入这个崭新闪亮的设计舞台!

我们将邀请一组设计大师和业界权威,作为年鉴顾问和嘉宾团,与我们一起畅谈中国室内设计趋势,品评室内设计作品。他们是:他们是:季裕棠(Tony Chi)、梁志天(Steve Leung)、Yabu Pushelberg、Nelly Rodi(娜丽罗荻设计事务所)、如恩设计研究室(Neri&Hu)、隈研吾(Kengo Kuma)、原研哉(Kenya Hara)、陈幼坚(Alan Chan)、André Fu(傅厚民)、孙信喜(Leon Sun)。

如下选登的是atelier tao+c西涛设计工作室发来的优秀私宅案例,供各位作为投稿资料整合参照。


街景,street view


开放空间,open space








扶手和书架,handrail and bookshelves



图书馆之家平面图,the home drawings

I.S.S Normandy Apartments is one of the earliest high-rise residential apartments in Shanghai designed by the Hungarian-Slovak architect László Hudec. Atelier TAO+C was commissioned to renovate a small flat on the top floor of the building. There is a 12-meter long terrace on northwest side of the flat overlooking the cityscape of the French concession.

Being different from the conventional organization of a home which uses a living room and bedroom as the main space in China, the proposal calls for the perception of space that breaks the usual patterns of domesticity–study room as the engine place of everyday life.

The existing structures and concrete faade were kept intact and exposed while all interior partitions were taken down, leading to an open and wall-less layout which breaks the boundary between rooms. The architect inserted dominating oak bookshelves from floor to ceiling into the flat. The bedroom and living room are all located around and beneath the bookshelves and ceased to delimit their own borders. When the slender bronze-framed glass doors open entirely, the whole place turns into one study or a home library.

Reacting to the diagonal line of the bookshelves and the envelope of building, a small-elevated attic along the corner was introduced to break down the homogenous space of a flat level. A narrow set of stairs brings you to a small mezzanine level on which the inhabitants see the bare concrete beams with the consciousness of under the protection of the roof. On one side it’s full of bookshelves, the other side with the sight seen through a lightbronze mesh handrail, looking down to the whole ground floor.

There are many levels of reading spaces, corners for meditation and layers of seeing and being seen. Surrounded by the bookshelves, a space inhabited with serenity by books, objects and men was inscribed.

“Lastly, we always go up the attic stairs, which are steeper and more primitive. For they bear the mark of ascension to a more tranquil solitude.”——Gaston Bachelard <The Poetics of Space>


Project Name 项目名称: library home 图书馆之家

Site Address 场地地址: Huaihai Road, Shanghai, China中国上海

Project Type 项目类型: Residential – apartment  公寓住宅

Designer 设计师: Atelier TAO+C

Completion Date: May 2017

Gross square footage: 95 sqm

Architectural –materials 材料

Oak Timber Floor 橡木地板 (floor)

Smoked Oak 烟熏橡木(bookshelves)

Custom Blackened Bronze 定制铜框(metal frame)

White Marble 白色大理石(bathroom)

Bronzemesh 铜色金属网(railing)

Clear Glass 清玻璃

photography 摄影师

Santiago Barrio、Shen Zhong Hai 沈忠海

About atelier tao+c

atelier tao +c西涛设计工作室成立于2016年,以上海为发展基地,其实践跨越建筑、室内设计、产品、艺术策展和设计媒体等多个领域。

atelier tao +c was founded in 2016. It’s a Shanghai-based cross-disciplinary design studio. Their practice includes architecture, interior design, product design, art curating and services of design medias.





    项目类别包括:私宅 | 地产项目(售楼处/样板间)| 酒店 | 文化艺术空间 | 商业零售 | 餐饮休闲 | 办公空间





如有疑问,欢迎联系《ELLE DECORATION 家居廊》官方微信ELLEDECO家居廊,官方微博ELLEDECO家居廊。

咨询电话:021-2326 2555


2018年 8月31日

《2019 China Interior Design Annual》by《ELLE DECORATION》

Requires for Submissions

With 25 editions worldwide, 《ELLE DECORATION》is one of the most influential design and lifestyle magazines in the world. Ever since it first launched in China in 2004,《ELLE DECORATION CHINA》 has been adhering to the philosophy of “Living With Design”, and has grown steadily into the mostinfluential design and lifestyle media platform in China.

《ELLE DECORATION CHINA》 hereby introduces《 China Interior Design Annual》, which demonstrates authoritative designs, explores immerging designs, reports latest interior trends, advocates latest design highlightsand collocation programs, provides creative solutions to readers, etc. On one hand, we hope to continuously work on accelerating the development of domestic design; on the other hand, to share design inspirations with Chinese readers,to make contributions to the elevation of Chinese lifestyle aesthetics.

Case Requirements(total 100):

    Introduction of firms, architects or designers,  in Chinese and English

    1 to 3 interior projects, completed after January 2017, located in MainlandChina, Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan

    Categories : residential| real estate(sales center & sample space) | hospitality |art & cultural| retail| food & leisure| office

    Brief introduction of projects in Chinese and English, no less than 5 high-quality pictures needed


Please send thematerials to elledeco@hearst.com.cn , in the form of a link of cloud or oversized attachment.

If you have any questions, please contact 《ELLE DECORATION CHINA》official Wechat or 《ELLE DECORATION CHINA》official Weibo.

Consultationnumber: 021-2326 2555

Deadline for Submission:

August 31, 2018

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